PROFLAX – Herbal and Holistic Pet Supplements

Proflax products are manufactured in the United Kingdom. The ingredients in our oil based products are human food-grade, British produced, 100% natural and of premium quality. All fresh ingredients are ethically sourced and approved by DEFRA (Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs).

Benefits of Proflax

  • Offers genuine therapeutic benefits; oil based products contain 75% fresh, human food grade flax or fish oil and 25% vet formulated blend of herbal tinctures. Powder products are 100% natural with no fillers
  • The range supports all aspects of health for every life stage
  • All oil products contain either flax or fish oil which are essential fatty acids (PUFA’s). Critical to be added to dogs diet as they cannot make them themselves or be found in dog foods in the amount necessary to support good health
  • Both our flax and fish oil are human food/culinary grade. Fish oil is FOS approved and third party tested. The mix of ingredients avoids rancidity
  • Holistic - supports both physical and emotional health and wellbeing
  • All blends include adaptogenic support herbs which means that they will ‘support your dog’s ability to adjust, adapt and recalibrate itself depending on its emotional and physical surroundings’. You will see some of the same support herbs used in various Proflax products
  • Packed with antioxidants which support cellular health, immunity, and help detoxification
  • Herbal blends in all products have been formulated by UK holistic vets
  • 100% natural, no chemicals, pesticides, additives or fillers
  • British sourced and approved
  • Fully traceable ingredients
  • Sustainably sourced
  • Independently tested and approved by a DEFRA approved laboratory for quality and purity
  • FAST ACTING! Health benefits seen in as little as 5 - 7 days
  • Ready blended so takes the headache out of understanding which oils/herbs to feed to produce the desired result. Just shake and feed over any food type.

Proflax products

What makes Proflax different from other supplements?

  • Liquid supplements - easy to feed. Just shake and pour over food once daily
  • 100% natural - chemical and pesticide free. Ethically sourced ingredients
  • Each product supports multiple aspects of health, not just the specific condition
  • Whopping 25% concentrated herbal tincture blends go into all oil-based products providing genuine therapeutic health benefits
  • Contain trace vitamins & minerals = nutritionally supportive
  • Oils contain 75% human grade flax or fish oils; cold pressed culinary grade DEFRA approved flax oil and FOS ethically sourced fish oil. These oils are ‘essential fatty acids’ and are vital to maintain the health of all biological systems. Oils are vital for good health!
  • Fully traceable ingredients
  • Holistic formulas supporting both physical and emotional health & wellbeing
  • Herbal blends have been formulated with all life stages in mind
  • Vet formulated
  • Fast acting - see health benefits in a matter of days
  • Professionally ready blended - makes the headache out of which herbs and oils are needed to support specific condition
  • British made

We use only the finest flaxseed oil!

  • Cold pressed, culinary, human food grade
  • Traceable - grown on UK DEFRA, Red Tractor approved farms - no chemicals or pesticides
  • Vegan
  • Contains 60% Omega 3 ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and 16% Omega 6 LA (Linoleic Acid)
  • Modulates blood pressure, aids cell renewal (ALA)
  • Aids healthy growth and reproduction (LA)
  • Aids the absorption of nutrients (A,D,E,K)
  • Balances diets high in Omega 6

Why don't we use plain salmon oil?

  • Huge differences in quality
  • Toxic load - whether wild or farmed. Can contain arsenic, lead and mercury
  • Cheap versions do not provide an adequate level of nutrients
  • Good quality salmon oil is unsustainable
  • Oil alone goes rancid quickly

Herbs - their effectiveness and why we use tinctures

We choose to use herbal tinctures over dried herbs because the effectiveness of the phytochemicals found in herbs are much more powerful when in tincture form. All of the blends include ‘adaptogenic’ herbs which are explained later in this document.

When it comes to herbs it is important to remember that they are not all equal. Quality can vary from herb to herb depending on where they are grown and how they are stored/extracted.

Herbs - dried vs tincture

Integrative health professional Dr Rawls is an expert in herbal medicine. He states the following.
Dried herbs are generally not standardized, meaning they haven’t been tested to determine how much of certain chemical components they contain. This makes it hard to judge their quality and potency.

Dried herbs also have some indigestible plant fiber and less active phytochemicals than herbal tinctures. As a result, you won’t absorb everything and it’s less potent, so you’ll likely need to take a lot more of the dried herb to see a health benefit.

Tinctures are in their natural active state and highly concentrated so only a small amount are needed. They enter the bloodstream immediately so benefits can be noticed quicker than dried, processed herbs.

Proflax only uses herbal tinctures in their oil based products which are of human food ‘practitioner’ grade quality. All herbal blends have been formulated by a holistic vet for their safety and efficacy. The farms we use are cGMP licensed and have wide accreditation, certification and membership (NIMH, EHGA & BHMA).

Adaptogens - what are they?

The term adaptogen was introduced into scientific literature by Russian toxicologist Nikolay Lazarev in 1957 to refer to ‘substances that increase the state of non-specific resistance’ in stress. Broadly, an adaptogen must have the four ’N’s
  • NOURISHING - bring nutritive strength
  • NORMALISING - raise what is low and lower what is high (eg energy, stress)
  • NON-SPECIFIC - act on multiple parts of the body at the same time (body/mind)
  • NON-TOXIC - be completely safe when used over extended periods of time.

Adaptogens in herbs - the benefits

Adaptogenic herbs replenish the wellspring of health and vitality. Benefits include:

  • Improve overall wellbeing
  • Increase energy & vitality
  • Optimize organ function
  • Reduce stress response
  • Increase inner strength
  • Improve blood sugar levels
  • Optimize protein synthesis
  • Reduce inflammatory cortisol levels
  • Improve cholesterol ratios
  • Regulate hormone balance

All of the Proflax range contain adaptogenic herbs. This is to allow the products to balance mind as well as body, thus focusing on the holistic principle.

Fat - which to choose?

Fats come in all forms, mainly known as saturated and polyunsaturated fats (PUFA’s). The latter are known as essential fatty acids (EFA’s), or ‘good’ fats, which are needed in any animals’ diet to maintain optimal health and wellbeing. EFA’s cannot be made by the body so need to be supplemented in the diet. Two types of EFA’s are plant oils such as flaxseed oil and fish oils. Fats are one of the most important ingredients in a dog’s diet. The combination of types of fats a dog needs to keep them in good health is a fine balance and when these fats are out of balance, inflammation and health problems can occur. Fat provides energy. It forms the membranes of all the body’s cells and helps the body to absorb vitamins A, D, E and K; controls hormones; and plays a great role in avoiding inflammations.

PUFAs are divided into two main types: Omega 3 and Omega 6.

Omega 3 fats include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega 3 ALA can be found in plant oils such as flaxseed oil and EPA and DHA can be found in fish oil. Omega 6 fats include linoleic acid (LA) and arachidonic acid (AA). Flaxseed oil contains Omega 6 LA. Fish oil does not contain any Omega 6. Omega 3 & 6 fats have the ability to control hormones. They have different roles and both types of fat are an important part of your dogs diet.

Omega 6 fats produce hormones that increase inflammation, which is an important part of the immune response. They also help with blood clotting and cell growth. Not all Omega 6 is bad it is about balance. The hormones produced by Omega 3 fats also control the immune system and work alongside the omega 6 fats in anantagonistic manner. So a balance between both is critical for a healthy immune system.

Which PUFA does your dog need?

Your dog needs both types of PUFA’s in order to balance hormones, keep the immune system functioning efficiently, aid cell renewal and support the health of all organs and their functions.

How to balance fats

Different types of protein call for more Omega 3 or Omega 6. Below explains.

Chicken/Pork/any grain fed animal is higher in Omega 6 but contains less Omega 3 so add a fish oil supplement daily.

Any grass fed animal i.e. beef, lamb or goat are a better choice as the levels of Omega 3 are much higher (2 to 4 times more than chicken) so feed more flaxseed oil and occasion. Fish is high in Omega 3 but contains no Omega 6 so add a flaxseed oil supplement daily. If you feed your dog a commercial dog food, it will likely be quite high in Omega 6 so add a fish oil supplement daily to kibble every time!