Privacy policy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using the online store, online store features or
services. The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Agreement between the Customer and
KaraDog OÜ (hereinafter KaraDog) and the Terms and Conditions of Sale.

1. Collection and processing of personal data

1.1. KaraDog collects and processes the following personal data of the Customer:

 1.1.1. First name and surname of the customer;

 1.1.2. Customer e-mail address;

 1.1.3. Customer phone number;

 1.1.4. Customer’s address;

 1.1.5. Information exchange between the customer and KaraDog;

 1.1.6. Client IP address.

2. Usage of cookies in the online shop

2.1. KaraDog uses cookies to optimise the traffic on the Website and to analyse the use of the
Website by its Customers. Unless the Customer has set his/her browser to refuse all or certain types of cookies, cookies will be issued as soon as the Customer visits the Online

2.2. KaraDog uses the following types of cookies:

 2.2.1 Google Analytics cookies are used to analyse the behaviour of the Customer in order
to improve the Website. These cookies provide KaraDog with information about the number
of Customers of the Website, the pages they visit and the total time spent on the Website. All
information collected through cookies is aggregated with similar information from other
Customers and is therefore anonymous. KaraDog does not identify individual users.

 2.2.2. Session cookies are used to maintain the functionality of the Website. This allows
KaraDog to associate the Customer’s activities with a browser session that starts and ends
when the Customer opens and closes their browser window. The session cookie consists of
temporary information and is deleted when the Client leaves their browser.

2.3. With the customer’s prior consent, KaraDog uses the following cookies:

 2.3.1 Facebook Pixel cookies are used by KaraDog via Facebook to target advertising to the
Customer and to analyse the advertising flow, which in turn leads to the tracking of the
Customer’s web traffic by Facebook.

2.4. You always have the possibility to control cookies through your browser settings. If the
Customer prefers not to receive cookies, the Customer may configure the browser to refuse
all cookies or to send a warning when a cookie is issued.

3. Purpose of the processing of personal data

3.1. The personal data collected about the Client will be processed solely for the purposes of
providing the Service, enabling the provision of the Service, and enabling the use of the
Website, including for the purposes set out below:

 3.1.1. fulfilling an order placed in an online shop;

 3.1.2. managing the online shop’s customer relations and interacting with customers;

 3.1.3. compiling and studying sales and customer base analytics;

 3.1.4. Developing the online shop’s usability and services;

 3.1.5. developing the user-friendliness of the online shop based on the data stored by

4. How personal data is processed

4.1. The personal data of the Customer will only be processed to the extent that they have been
disclosed to KaraDog through the online shopping process, through the preparation and
execution of the submitted order.

4.2. The personal data collected will be stored and retained only for the purposes mentioned in
point 5 of this document.

5. Retention and protection of personal data

5.1. All personal data collected about the Customer is stored on servers located in the European
Union or European Economic Area countries.

5.2. Personal data relating to the Customer used by KaraDog for the performance of the
Agreement and to ensure the performance of the Agreement shall be stored for a period of
up to 3 years from the date on which the relevant personal data came into KaraDog’s
possession. The basic accounting documents are kept for 7 years in accordance with the
Accounting Act.

5.3. Only KaraDog’s employees and members of the management bodies have access to the
Customer’s personal data, who are entitled to use the personal data only in connection with
the provision of the Service and the management of the Online Shop.

5.4. KaraDog may have additional obligations to retain certain personal data as a result of
applicable law.

6. Sharing personal data

6.1. KaraDog will not disclose the Customer’s personal data to third parties, except in the
following cases:

 6.1.1. For the purpose of providing the service (delivery of the order placed in the online
shop), KaraDog’s contractual partner Itella/Omniva is provided with a parcel card
containing only the necessary personal data;

 6.1.2. For the purpose of the delivery of the order, the Customer’s personal data will be
transmitted to the Itella/Omniva self-service environment in order to create a parcel card to
deliver the products to the Customer;

 6.1.3. For the purpose of making payments, the necessary personal data are forwarded to the
authorised payment processor, Montonio Finance OÜ.

7. Customer rights in relation to personal data

7.1. The customer has the right of access to the personal data collected and processed about
him/her and the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data.

7.2. If the processing of personal data is prohibited by applicable law, the Customer has the right
to request the cessation of the processing of personal data and the blocking or deletion of the
personal data processed.

7.3. If the processing of personal data violates the rights of the Customer, the Customer has the
right to apply to the Data Protection Inspectorate or to the courts, unless the law provides for a
different dispute procedure.

7.4. If the Client’s rights have been violated in the processing of personal data, the Client has the
right to claim compensation for the damage caused to him/her.

7.5. If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data and these Privacy
Terms, please contact us by sending an email to info (at)