Periodontitis: the disease that undermines the smile (and not only!) of dogs

Plaque is a sort of film, formed by bacteria, that covers the teeth and gums. Over time this can mineralize, turning into a dark, hard encrustation called tartar.
The presence of plaque and tartar irritates the tissues and can cause gingivitis. If this first threat is neglected, the inflammation extends to the periodontium, or the tooth support structures.


Periodontitis is a serious threat to our friends' mouths. In fact, during periodontitis, tartar, infection and inflammation extend along the dental roots, corroding the ligaments that anchor the tooth to the bone. This process ends up making the teeth painfully unstable.

Parodontiidiga koer. Hambakivi ei kata lihtsalt hambaid, vaid imbub igemete alla, liikudes mööda juuri üles. (Allikas: Wikimedia)

A tooth undermined by periodontitis ends up behaving like a foreign body. In fact, it causes very strong pain, as if it were a nail stuck in the mouth, and must be removed to give relief to the poor dog.

The greatest risk, however, is that bacteria and toxins can detach from the site of infection and penetrate into the bloodstream. These bacteria can cause serious heart, kidney or liver disease, or they are inhaled and spread the infection to the nose, pharynx, bronchi and lungs.

The path to prevention

To safeguard the health of our dogs, scrupulous oral prevention is therefore necessary, in order to avoid the onset of periodontitis.

Regular visits to the vet allow you to monitor the state of your mouth and intervene with cleaning if necessary, while for daily hygiene you can rely on the tasty and healthy Dental jelly chews!

Make your pet's oral care a positive experience thanks to delicious dental jellies!


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